Großer Vinyl- und CD-Verkauf!
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Großer Vinyl- und CD-Verkauf!
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(Weitere Verkaufslisten mit T-Shirts, Aufnähern, etc. folgen noch )
Einige Artikel haben offensichtliche oder unterschwellige satanische oder antichristliche Botschaften oder Grafiken.
12 Vinyl:
AC/DC Back in Black (Columbia/Albert Productions/Sony Music, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
AC/DC Highway To Hell (Albert Productions, weisses Vinyl)
AC/DC The Razors Edge (Columbia/Albert Productions/Sony Music, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
ALCHEMYST Nekromanteion (Iron Bonehead Productions, 2012, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
ALLERSEELEN Gotos=Kalanda (Ahnstern, 2005, lim. 600, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
AMON Shemhamforash (Galgenstrang Productions/Funeral Industries, 2010, schwarzes Vinyl)
ARCHGOAT The Light-Devouring Darkness (Debemur Morti Productions, 2017, grau-transparentes Vinyl)
AUTOPSY Fiend For Blood (Peaceville, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
BAGATUR Сказание За Древнобългарското Величие (Darker Than Black/CW Productions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
BERND CLÜVER Oben steh'n und singen (Hansa, 1975, schwarzes Vinyl)
BLOOD FREAK Mindscraper (Hammerheart Records, 2011, schwarzes Vinyl)
CHAOS INVOCATION In Bloodline With The Snake (W.T.C. Productions, 2010, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
DEMONBREED Where Gods Come To Die (Testimony Records, 2016, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
DODENKROCHT Misery Chords (The Ritual Productions, 2013, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
EDGE OF SANITY Unorthodox (Black Mark Production, 2011, gelb-transparentes Vinyl)
GRAVE Fiendish Regression (TPE-Productions, 2011, lim. 278, rot/schwarzes Vinyl)
GRAVE Out of Respect For The Dead (Century Media, 2015, schwarzes Vinyl)
GRAVELAND 1050 Years of Pagan Cult (Heritage Recordings, 2017, lim. 222, blau/schwarzes Splatter-Vinyl)
GRAVELAND Necromanteion / Promo '92 (Darkland Records, 2010, lim. 566, 2x weisses Vinyl)
HORNA Sudentaival (W.T.C. Productions, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
IMMORTAL Battles in The North (Osmose Productions, 2010, lim. 800, schwarzes Vinyl)
INFERNO Nikdy Nepokřtěni (Die Todesrune Records, 2006, schwarzes Vinyl)
INFERNUM Damned Majesty (Witching Hour Productions, 2016, lim. 100, goldenes Vinyl)
IRREVERENT Blasphemous Crucifix Profanation (Satanic Skinhead Propaganda, 2010, lim. 500, 2x schwarzes Vinyl [1x 12, 1x 7])
KADAVERFICKER Exploitation Nekronation (Morbid Generation Records/Support The Sickness, 2018, lim. 100, blau-transparentes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER KFFM 931.8 (Morbid Generation Records, 2018, lim. 100, grünes Vinyl)
KATAKLYSM Serenity in Fire (Animate Records/Nuclear Blast, 2010, lim. 566, schwarzes Vinyl)
KATAKLYSM Shadows & Dust (Animate Records/Nuclear Blast, 2011, lim. 566, schwarzes Vinyl)
KORN Christmas Song (Epic, 1994, lim. 2000, rotes/transparentes Vinyl)
KRODA Schwarzpfad (Neue Aesthetik/Purity Through Fire/Fimbulvinter Productions, 2014, lim. 400, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KRODA Towards The Firmaments Verge of Life... (Neue Aesthetik/Hammermark Art, 2009, lim. 500, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KRODA Varulven (Purity Through Fire, 2013, lim. 199, schwarzes Vinyl)
KROLOK Flying Above Ancient Ruins (Hexencave Productions/Malignant Voices, 2018, lim. 398, schwarzes Vinyl)
LEGION OF DOOM God is Dead (Darker Than Black, 2017, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
LUROR Cease To Live (Blut & Eisen Productions, 2009, lim. 300, schwarz/weisses Splatter-Vinyl)
MASTER Lets Start A War (Animate Records, 2016, lim. 100, graues Vinyl)
MORBID ANGEL Blessed Are The Sick (Earache, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
MORBOSIDAD Profana la Cruz del Nazareno (2008, schwarzes Vinyl)
NAHTRUNAR Existenz (Arcane Angels/Altare Productions, 2017, lim. 250, schwarzes Vinyl)
OCCULT The Enemy Within (Cosmic Key Creations, 2016, lim. 200, orangenes Vinyl)
ODAL wilde Kraft (Christhunt Productions, 2005, lim. 250, Picture-Vinyl)
ODAL Zornes Heimat (Black Devastation Records/Raging Bloodlust Records, 2008, schwarzes Vinyl)
RAZORRAPE Orgy in Guts (Goregeous Productions/Rotten Roll Rex, 2015, lim. 350, schwarzes Vinyl)
SATANIC WARMASTER Nova Ordo Ater (Werewolf Records, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
SATANIC WARMASTER We Are The Worms That Crawl On The Broken (A Compendium of Past Crimes) (Werewolf Records, 2017, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
SCHNÄBI GAGGI PISSI GAGGI Tochnit Aleph Punk Series Volume Four (Tochnit Aleph, 2006, schwarzes Vinyl)
SEKHMET Opus Zrůdy (Aphelion Productions, 2010, schwarzes Vinyl)
THE CHARM THE FURY The Sick, Dumb & Happy (Arising Empire/Nuclear Blast, 2017, lim. 500, gelb-lilanes Vinyl)
ULVER Nattens Madrigal Aatte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden (Century Media, 2010, Box-Set [mit 12 LP, CD & T-Shirt], lim. 700, schwarzes Vinyl)
UNCREATIONS DAWN Lightning Hammer Falls (Hammer of Hate, 2005, rotes Vinyl)
VENOM Welcome To Hell (Back On Black, 2016, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
VOID MEDITATION CULT Utter The Tongue of The Dead (Hells Headbangers, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
VOUÏVRE Au Gouffre (La Mesnie Herlequin, 2018, goldenes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ HaglaNaudizEisaz (Altare Productions/Terratur Possessions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ Paralys (Helter Skelter Productions, 2017, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ Paúrpura Fræovíbôkôs (Altare Productions/Terratur Possessions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
10" Vinyl:
ABIGOR Opus IV (Nihilward Productions, 2011, lim. 666, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KORN Shoots and Ladders (The Dust Brothers Remixes) (Epic/Immortal Records, 1994, schwarzes Vinyl)
NARGAROTH Rasluka Part II (No Colours Records, 2002, schwarzes Vinyl)
STUKA PARTY Schmeiser Smasher (Hammerheart Records, 2014, schwarzes Vinyl + CD)
7 Vinyl:
ANGST SKVADRON The Alien (Folter Records, 2010, lim. 500, grünes Vinyl)
ANNIHILATION 666 / BLISS OF FLESH Worshippers of Evil/Die (W.T.C. Productions, 2008, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
BATHTUB SHITTER One Fun (Power It Up, 2001, lim. 900, schwarzes Vinyl)
BERKANA Zuflucht (Hau Ruck!, 2002, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
DÄMONENBLUT Im Schloß des finst'ren Grafen (Blutvergiessen Productions, 2007, lim. 300, grau/transparentes Splatter-Vinyl)
FLESH GRINDER Necrofiles (Black Hole Productions, 2013, lim. 500, rotes Splatter-Vinyl)
HERETIC / CAPITIS DAMNARE Black Metal Overlords/The Cult of Omega (Unholy Black Art, 2008, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
HORNA / LEGION OF DOOM Ilman Arvoa Ja Arkkua/Kinaidos (Zyklon-B Productions, 2006, lim. 300, Picture-Vinyl)
INSANE CLOWN POSSE A Carnival Christmas E.P. (Psychopathic Records, 2016, rotes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER / CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION (Morbid Generation Records, 2016, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER / SEMEN (Splatter Zombie Records/Alternative Record Label/( ), 2016, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
LEGION OF DOOM Chariots of Thunder (2004, schwarzes Vinyl)
LYCANTHROPYS SPELL Sagatal (Sabbath's Fire Records/Thor's Hammer Productions, 2007, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
MESRINE / KADAVERFICKER (Black Scars Records/Omega Warfare Records/Splatter Zombie Records/( ), 2017, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
NAER MATARON I Am the Light of the World (W.T.C. Productions, 2012, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
RUHO / GRAUSAMKEIT Contagions/Kein N-tkommen (Darker Than Black, 2015, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
SKINLESS / MALEDICTIVE PIGS Salvage/Brainwashing (Cudgel, 2000, lim. 1000, schwarzes Vinyl)
SVARTSYN Tormentor (Black Militia Productions, 1998, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
THE TRUE ENDLESS / GOBLIN SPELL The Forest Like Us/On The Path In The Night (Eclipse of Live Promulgation, 2002, lim. 444, schwarzes Vinyl)
THURISAZ Thurisaz (Sombre Records, 2002, lim. 350, schwarzes Vinyl)
TIBURÓN / ANIMAL CANNIBAL PROCESS (Zyriaxon Rex, 2001, rot-schwarzes Splatter-Vinyl)
TODESWEIHE / GRAVEWÜRM (Darker Than Black, 2013, schwarzes Vinyl)
UMIGLIAZIONE Fist Sucking (The Spew Records, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
VERIVALA / THE SHADOW ORDER A Fallen World's Conspiracy (Obscure Abhorrence Productions, 2006, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
WHITE MEDAL White Medal (Grief Foundation/Legion Blotan, 2008, lim. 400, weisses Vinyl)
WOLFSSANG Verwegene Einsamkeit (Schwarzburg Produktionen, 2015, lim. 400 [Promo], rotes Vinyl)
ZORN / NG Vulkanischer Winter/Einheit 731 (Christhunt Productions, 2015, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
311 311 (Capricorn Records, 1995)
ACHERONTAS Amenti (Catacomb Chants & Oneiric Visions) (W.T.C. Productions, 2013, Digipack)
ACHERONTAS Hermeticism (Agonia Records, 2008, Digipack, lim. 1000)
ACHERONTAS Vamachara (Agonia Records, 2011, Digipack)
ACHERONTAS / ARDITI / PUISSANCE / SHIBALBA Pylons of The Adversary (W.T.C. Productions, 2014, Digipack)
A FOREST The Spirit of The Forest (To Bleed Northern Spirit) (Wotan's Reign Productions, 2003)
ALCHEMYST Nekromanteion (Necroshrine Records, 2012)
ALL SHALL PERISH Hate . Malice . Revenge (Nuclear Blast, 2005)
ALL SHALL PERISH The Price of Existence (Nuclear Blast, 2006)
AMON AMARTH Fate of Norns (Metal Blade Records, 2004)
AMON AMARTH Once Sent From The Golden Hall (Metal Blade Records, 1998)
AMON AMARTH Versus The World (Metal Blade Records, 2002)
AMON AMARTH With Oden On Our Side (Metal Blade Records, 2006, Slipcase)
AMYSTERY Grim Satanic Blessing (Pestilence Records, 2008)
ANABOTH Nie Czas Pomiotów (Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2010)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial Black Metal Filth (Hammer of Hate, 2009)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Profane Fornication Ejaculation (Hammer of Hate, 2010, enthält als Bonus das Demo Ejaculation of Black Impurity)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Sermons of A Sodomite (Hammer of Hate, 2011, lim. 1000)
ANAL BLASPHEMY / NECROSLUT Split (Hammer of Hate, 2009)
ANGEL OF DAMNATION Carnal Philosophy (Kneel Before The Master's Throne Records, 2011)
ANGUISHED Cold (Hammer of Hate, 2010)
ANTHRAX Spreading The Disease (Island Records/Megaforce Worldwide, Repress)
ARTHEMESIA Deus Iratus (Native North Records, 2000)
ASPHYX Death The Brutal Way (Century Media, 2009, CD+DVD, Slipcase)
ASPHYX Deathhammer (Century Media, 2012, 2xCD, Mediabook)
ASPHYX The Rack (Century Media, 1991)
ASTAROTH Sklavengott (CCP Records, 1997)
ATROCITY Massacre's Classix Shape Edition (Massacre Records, 1999)
BAPTISM Evil Mysteries (Northern Heritage, 2013)
BAPTISM Grim Arts of Melancholy (Northern Heritage, 2008)
BAPTISM Morbid Wings of Sathanas (Northern Heritage, 2005)
BEHEMOTH Satanica (Metal Mind Records, 1999, Digipack)
BEHEMOTH Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) (Peaceville, 2008, Digipack)
BEHERIT Drawing Down The Moon (Candlelight Records USA, 2006)
BEHEXEN My Soul For His Glory (Hammer of Hate, 2008)
BEHEXEN Nightside Emanations (Debemur Morti Productions, 2012, Digipack)
BEHEXEN / SATANIC WARMASTER (Hammer of Hate, 2008, Digipack)
BESATT In Nomine Satanas (Seven Gates of Hell, 2004, lim. 500, Digipack)
BEWITCHED At The Gates of Hell (Osmose Productions, 1999, Digipack)
BEYOND Fatal Power of Death (Necroshrine Records, 2013)
BIOLOGICAL MONSTROSITY / MAGISTRAL FLATULENCES / SPERMSWAMP / FACIAL ABUSE 4-Way Split (Putrid Attitude Rec./Bidule Mandibule Prod./( )., 2009)
BLACK WITCHERY Inferno of Sacred Destruction (Osmose Productions, 2010, CD+DVD)
BLACK WITCHERY Upheaval of Satanic Might (Osmose Productions, 2005)
BLOODBATH Breeding Death (Century Media, 2000)
BLOODBATH Nightmares Made Flesh (Century Media, 2005)
BLOODBATH Resurrection Through Carnage (Century Media, 2002)
BLOODBATH The Wacken Carnage (Peaceville, 2008, CD+DVD, Digibook)
BOLT THROWER For Victory (Earache, 1994)
BOLT THROWER Realm of Chaos (Earache, 1989)
BOLT THROWER Those Once Loyal (Metal Blade Records, 2005)
BUTCHERS HAREM Erotic Stories Written in Blood (Butchers Harem Productions, 2017, lim. 1000)
BURZUM Fallen (Byelobog Productions, 2011)
BURZUM From The Depths of Darkness (Byelobog Productions, 2011, Digipack)
BURZUM Umskiptar (Byelobog Productions, 2012, Digibook)
CANNIBAL Resurrected Instrumentals (Cannibal Productions, 2012, Pro-CDr)
CANNIBAL CORPSE Kill (Metal Blade Records, 2006, CD+DVD, Digipack)
CARCASS Heartwork (Earache, Repress)
CARCASS Symphonies of Sickness (Earache, 2003)
CARNAL GHOUL The Grotesque Vault (Remission Records, 2013)
CARPATHIAN FOREST Strange Old Brew (Peaceville, 2007, Digipack)
CELTIC BLOOD Celtic Blood (Nebelfee Klangwerke, 2006)
CHAOS INVOCATION Black Mirror Hours (W.T.C. Productions, 2013)
CHAOS INVOCATION In Bloodline With The Snake (W.T.C. Productions, 2009)
CHILDREN OF BODOM Hate Crew Deathroll (Spinefarm Records/Universal Music, 2003)
CHILDREN OF BODOM Are You Dead Yet? (Spinefarm Records, 2005)
CLANDESTINE BLAZE New Golgotha Rising (Northern Heritage, 2015)
CLAWFINGER Clawfinger (WEA, 1997)
CLAWFINGER Deaf Dumb Blind (WEA/Telegram Records Stockholm/MVG Records, 1993)
CLAWFINGER Two Sides (The Music Cartel/MVG Records, 2000, Digipack)
CLAWFINGER Use Your Brain (WEA/MVG Records, 1995)
COMPLEX 7 / FACE DOWN HERO / LAY DOWN ROTTEN Constructed Syndrome Process (Promo, Pro-CDr)
CONQUEROR War.Cult.Supremacy (2011, 2xCD)
CORPUS CHRISTII The Torment Continues (Undercover Records, 2005)
CULTES DES GHOULES Häxan (Flagellum Haereticorum/Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2013, lim. 1500)
CULTES DES GHOULES Henbane (Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2013, lim. 1500)
DARK FUNERAL Diabolis Interium (No Fashion Records, 2001, lim. 10.000, Digipack)
DARKTHRONE A Blaze in The Northern Sky (Peaceville, 2003, Digipack)
DARKTHRONE Preparing For War (Peaceville/Tyrant Syndicate, 2006, Box-Set [2xCD+1xDVD])
DARKTHRONE Transilvanian Hunger (Peaceville, 2003, Digipack)
DEMONCY Joined in Darkness (Negative Existence, 2007)
DIES ATER Hunger For Life (Obscure Abhorrence Productions, 2012)
DIES ATER Through Weird Woods (Last Episode, 2000)
DISBELIEF Shine (Massacre Records, 2002)
DISBELIEF Spreading The Rage (Massacre Records, 2003)
DISBELIEF Worst Enemy (Massacre Records, 2001)
DISMEMBER Dismember (Regain Records, 2008, Slipcase)
DISPERSION Tag der Toten (Lederfabrik Studio, 2002)
DORNENREICH Bitter ists dem Tod zu dienen (CCP Records, 1999)
DORNENREICH Durch den Traum (Prophecy Productions, 2006, Digipack)
DROWNING THE LIGHT Of Celtic Blood and Satanic Pride (Slava Satan Records, 2007)
DRU Gospels of The Apocalypse (Self-Released Demo-CDr, 2011)
DUNKELGRAFEN Baphomet's Aeon (Neon Knights, 2002)
DYING FETUS Stop at Nothing (Relapse Records, 2003)
EISREGEN Farbenfinsternis (Last Episode, 2001)
EISREGEN Hexenhaus (Massacre Records, 2005, CD+DVD)
EISREGEN Leichenlager (Massacre Records, 2003)
EISREGEN Wundwasser (Massacre Records, 2004)
EISREGEN Zerfall (Massacre Records, 2004, mit dem Demo 96 Das Ende des Weges als Bonus-Material)
EMIL BULLS Angel Delivery Service (Island Records, 2001)
EMINENZ The Blackest Dimension (Last Episode, 2000)
EQUILIBRIUM Turis Fratyr (Black Attakk Records, 2005, Digipack)
EROTIC GORE CUNT / ANUS TUMOR / SPERMSWAMP 3 Heavy Tons of Grind Direct in Your Face (Alarma Records, 2010)
EXCRUCIATION [t]horns (Non Stop Music Records, 2009, Digipack)
FIRESCENT Passengers (2011, schwarze CD)
FIRESCENT Suicidewalk (2009, Pro-CDr)
FREITOD Possessed By The Horns of Terror (BergStolz, 2010, lim. 500)
GHOUL We Came For The Dead!!! & Maniaxe (Tankcrimes, 2012)
GOD DETHRONED The Toxic Touch (Metal Blade Records, 2006, CD+DVD)
GODLESS CRUELTY Hass Propaganda (Nebelfee Klangwerke, 2006, lim. 300)
GRABNEBELFÜRSTEN Schwarz gegen Weiß (Black Attakk, 2005, Digipack)
GRAVE As Rapture Comes (Century Media, 2006)
GRAVELAND Carpathian Wolves (Last Episode/Eternal Devils, 1999)
GRAVELAND In The Glare of Burning Churches (No Colours Records, 1996)
GRAVE MIASMA Exalted Emanation (Sepulchral Voice Records, 2009, Digipack)
GRAVE MIASMA Odori Sepulcrorum (Sepulchral Voice Records, 2013, Digipack)
GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT The Slow Decay of Infested Flesh (Amputated Vein Records, 2007)
HAND TO HAND A Perfect Way To Say Goodbye (Lifeforce Records, 2005)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Ausgeflippt (Energy Records, 1995)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Black Forest Metal (Metropolis Metal, 2014)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Transmissions From Uranus (Energy Records, 1997)
HEIMDALLS WACHT Der Untergang der alten Welt (Christhunt Productions, 2006)
HEIMDALLS WACHT Ut de graute olle Tied Deel I (Christhunt Productions, 2008)
HELLFUCKED Gods of Negativity (W.T.C. Productions, 2003)
HELL MILITIA Last Station On The Road To Death (Debemur Morti Productions, 2010, Digibook)
HROSSHARSGRANI ...of Battles, Ravens and Fire (CCP Records, 2000)
HYPOCRISY Osculum Obscenum (Nuclear Blast, 1996, Digipack)
IMMORTAL Blizzard Beasts (Osmose Productions, 1997)
IMMORTAL Sons of Northern Darkness (Nuclear Blast, 2002)
INQUISITION Into The Infernal Regions of The Ancient Cult (Hells Headbangers, 2010)
INQUISITION Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer (No Colours Records, 2004)
INQUISITION Obscure Verses For The Multiverse (Season of Mist, 2013)
INQUISITION Ominous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm (Hells Headbangers, 2011)
JOHN CARPENTER / ALAN HOWARTH Halloween II (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Varèse Sarabande, 1990)
JUDAS ISCARIOT Heaven in Flames (Red Stream, Repress)
KETZER Satans Boundaries Unchained (Kneel Before The Masters Throne Records, 2010)
KONKHRA Come Down Cold (Diehard Music Wordwide, 1999)
KRODA Ginnungagap Ginnungagaldr Ginnungakaos (Purity Through Fire/Fimbulvinter Productions, 2015, Digipack)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Malevolent Rapture (Massacre Records, 2006, CD+DVD)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Slaughtering (Massacre Records, 2010, CD+2xDVD, Digibook)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Sons of The Jackal (Massacre Records, 2007, CD+DVD)
LEMMING PROJECT Extinction (Noise International, 1991)
LEMMING PROJECT Hate and Despise (Century Media, 1992)
LIFELOVER Konkurs (Avantgarde Music, 2008)
LIVIDITY To Desecrate and Defile (War Anthem Records, 2009, CD+DVD, Digipack)
MALEDICTIVE PIGS Bloodshed (Cudgel, 2001)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Doomsday X (Massacre Records, 2007, Digipack)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Eternal (Pavement Music/Bullet Proof Records, 1995)
MALEVOLENT CREATION The Ten Commandments (Roadrunner Records, Repress)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Warkult (Nuclear Blast, 2004)
MANOWAR Hell On Wheels (Live) (Universal, 1997, 2xCD)
MASSACRE Tyrants of Death (Iron Pegasus Records, 2006)
MAYHEM De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Deathlike Silence Productions, Second Press)
MC BUSHPIG Fist Fuck Corpse (Butchers Harem Productions, 2018, lim. 333, Pro-CDr)
M.D.K. Into The Pussymorgue (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2012)
MERCILESS The Awakening (Osmose Productions, 1999)
MIDNIGHT CALLINGS Pilgrims of The Black Hole (Into Dungeons Records, 2016)
MORBID ANGEL Altars of Madness (Earache, 2006, Hybrid/DualDisc [CD+DVD])
MORBID ANGEL Blessed Are The Sick (Earache, 2002)
MORBID SAVOURING Insensitivicious (Murder The World, 2003)
MORBOSIDAD Profana la Cruz del Nazareno (2008)
MORTICIAN Zombie Apocalypse (Relapse Records, 1998)
MORTIFIER Darkness My Eternal Bride (Battlegod Productions, 1996)
MORTIIS Crypt of The Wizard (Sum Records)
MÜTIILATION Remains of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul (Dark Adversary Productions, 2010)
MÜTIILATION Sorrow Galaxies (End All Life Productions, 2007)
NARGAROTH Black Metal ist Krieg: A Dedication Monument (No Colours Records, 2001)
NATRACH Devolution Manifest (Christhunt Productions, 2010)
NECROSPHERE Viral Resurrection (Self Released, 2013)
NEWAGE Searching For A Sign (Self-Released, 2009)
NUCLEAR ASSAULT Handle With Care (Century Media Records, 2011)
ODAL Sturmes Brut (Darkland Records, 2009)
OF THE WAND & THE MOON :Emptiness:Emptiness:Emptiness: (Euphonious Records, 2010, Digipack)
OLD Down With The Nails (Peaceville/Tyrant Syndicate, 2006)
OUROBOROS Invoking The Past (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2013, Digipack)
OUROBOROS Spear of Destiny (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2010)
PARIA Unchain The Unclean (Kneel Before The Masters Throne Records, 2010)
PROCLAMATION Advent of The Black Omen (Ross Bay Cult, 2006)
PROCLAMATION Execration of Cruel Bestiality (Ross Bay Cult, 2009)
PROCLAMATION Messiah of Darkness and Impurity (Ross Bay Cult, 2008)
PSEUDOGOD Deathwomb Catechesis (KVLT, 2012, lim. 1000)
RAVENSBLOOD From The Tumulus Depths (Christhunt Productions, 2004)
RUNENBLUT Die Stimme des Blutes (Christhunt Productions, 2005)
RUNNING WILD The First Years of Piracy (Noise International, 1991)
SARGEIST Satanic Black Devotion (Moribund Records, 2003)
SARKRISTA The Acheronian Worship (Misanthropic Art, 2013)
SARX Nail Through Head (Self-Released, 2004)
SARX of Natural Rage (Self-Released Demo-CDr, 2000)
SATANIC WARMASTER of The Night (No Colours Records, 2004)
SATANIC WARMASTER Revelation (No Colours Records, 2007)
SATYRICON Now, Diabolical (Roadrunner Records/Kaleidoscope, 2006)
SCHAMMASCH Sic Lvceat Lvx (Black Tower Productions, 2010)
SEELENFROST ☽(Talheim Records, 2014, lim. 500, Digipack)
SEIRIM Kill. War. Chaos (Cudgel, 2002)
SELBSTENTLEIBUNG Emotionale Endstation (Christhunt Productions, 2009)
SHADOWS UNDER ARMS From The Abyss... To The Throne (Astral Nightmare Productions, 2014)
SIX FEET UNDER Alive and Dead (Metal Blade Records, 1996)
SIX FEET UNDER Maximum Violence (Metal Blade Records, 1999)
SIX FEET UNDER True Carnage (Metal Blade Records, Repress)
SIX FEET UNDER Warpath (Metal Blade Records, 1997)
SKYFIRE Haunted By Shadows (Hammerheart Records, 2003)
SODOM Epitome of Torture (Steamhammer/SPV GmbH, 2013, Digipack)
SPERMSWAMP Extreme Cream (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2007)
SPERMSWAMP If Abortion is A Murder, Masturbation is A Genocide (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2017)
SPERMSWAMP Scrap Par La Porn (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2016)
SPIN DOCTORS Pocket Full of Kryptonite (Epic, Repress)
SURTURS LOHE Vor Walvaters Thron (Christhunt Productions, 2002)
SVARTNAR Failure of Mankind (Eternity Records, 2005)
TAGHUT Ejaculate Upon The Holy Qur'an (Primitive Reaction, 2008)
TEMNOZOR Horizons... (Stellar Winter Records, 2004)
THE CALL The Call... (Christhunt Productions, 2003)
THROES This Viper Womb (Aesthetic Death, 2016, lim. 1000, Digipack)
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen (Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions, 2005)
TODESSTOSS Selbstentleibung - Der Annäherung erster Teil (Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions/GoatowaRex , 2007)
TODESSTOSS Spiegel der Urängste / Sehnsucht (Wroth Emitter, 2007)
TODESSTOSS Stelldichein (Omvina, 2006)
TRUST COMPANY The Lonely Position of Neutral (Geffen Records, 2002)
UNLEASHED Midvinterblot (Steamhammer, 2006)
UTOPIE Instinct For Existence (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2010)
VADER Revelations (Metal Blade Records, 2002)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone: Eight Norwegian Bands Paying Tribute (Moonfog Productions, 1998, Digipack)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Dawn of The Antichrist (SFH Records, 2009, mit PERMAFROST, ANNIHILATION 666, SCHWARZER TOD, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS From Dusk Till Dawn: Music From The Motion Picture (Epic Soundtrax/Sony, 1996, mit ZZ TOP, TITO & TARANTULA, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Hörsturz Vol. 2 (Warner Strategic Marketing, 2001, 2xCD, mit DEFTONES, SYSTEM OF A DOWN, INCUBUS, TAPROOT, DISTURBED, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Jenseits der Rosen: Music From The Motion Picture (Neue Aesthetik/Starfish Music, 1999, mit SOL INVICTUS, COSTES, PURE, etc.)
VOMITORY Primal Massacre (Metal Blade Records, 2004)
WACHT Indigen (Abartigkeit, 2013, lim. 500, Digipack)
WATAIN Casus Luciferi (Drakkar Productions, 2003)
WATAIN Rabid Deaths Curse (Drakkar Productions, 2004)
WOLFSMOND Des Düsterwaldes Reigen (W.T.C. Productions, 2008)
WOLFSWINTER Gestrandet in Nastrand / Der Tag vergeht (Christhunt Productions, 2005)
WRATHPRAYER The Sun of Moloch (The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence ) (Ross Bay Cult, 2013)
ZORN Menschenfeind (Neon Knights, 2003)
ZORN Todesschwadron (Black Attakk Records, 2005)
Bezahlung bevorzugt mit PayPal, Überweisung ginge aber auch. Der Artikelstandort ist Deutschland.
(Weitere Verkaufslisten mit T-Shirts, Aufnähern, etc. folgen noch )
Einige Artikel haben offensichtliche oder unterschwellige satanische oder antichristliche Botschaften oder Grafiken.
12 Vinyl:
AC/DC Back in Black (Columbia/Albert Productions/Sony Music, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
AC/DC Highway To Hell (Albert Productions, weisses Vinyl)
AC/DC The Razors Edge (Columbia/Albert Productions/Sony Music, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
ALCHEMYST Nekromanteion (Iron Bonehead Productions, 2012, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
ALLERSEELEN Gotos=Kalanda (Ahnstern, 2005, lim. 600, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
AMON Shemhamforash (Galgenstrang Productions/Funeral Industries, 2010, schwarzes Vinyl)
ARCHGOAT The Light-Devouring Darkness (Debemur Morti Productions, 2017, grau-transparentes Vinyl)
AUTOPSY Fiend For Blood (Peaceville, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
BAGATUR Сказание За Древнобългарското Величие (Darker Than Black/CW Productions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
BERND CLÜVER Oben steh'n und singen (Hansa, 1975, schwarzes Vinyl)
BLOOD FREAK Mindscraper (Hammerheart Records, 2011, schwarzes Vinyl)
CHAOS INVOCATION In Bloodline With The Snake (W.T.C. Productions, 2010, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
DEMONBREED Where Gods Come To Die (Testimony Records, 2016, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
DODENKROCHT Misery Chords (The Ritual Productions, 2013, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
EDGE OF SANITY Unorthodox (Black Mark Production, 2011, gelb-transparentes Vinyl)
GRAVE Fiendish Regression (TPE-Productions, 2011, lim. 278, rot/schwarzes Vinyl)
GRAVE Out of Respect For The Dead (Century Media, 2015, schwarzes Vinyl)
GRAVELAND 1050 Years of Pagan Cult (Heritage Recordings, 2017, lim. 222, blau/schwarzes Splatter-Vinyl)
GRAVELAND Necromanteion / Promo '92 (Darkland Records, 2010, lim. 566, 2x weisses Vinyl)
HORNA Sudentaival (W.T.C. Productions, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
IMMORTAL Battles in The North (Osmose Productions, 2010, lim. 800, schwarzes Vinyl)
INFERNO Nikdy Nepokřtěni (Die Todesrune Records, 2006, schwarzes Vinyl)
INFERNUM Damned Majesty (Witching Hour Productions, 2016, lim. 100, goldenes Vinyl)
IRREVERENT Blasphemous Crucifix Profanation (Satanic Skinhead Propaganda, 2010, lim. 500, 2x schwarzes Vinyl [1x 12, 1x 7])
KADAVERFICKER Exploitation Nekronation (Morbid Generation Records/Support The Sickness, 2018, lim. 100, blau-transparentes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER KFFM 931.8 (Morbid Generation Records, 2018, lim. 100, grünes Vinyl)
KATAKLYSM Serenity in Fire (Animate Records/Nuclear Blast, 2010, lim. 566, schwarzes Vinyl)
KATAKLYSM Shadows & Dust (Animate Records/Nuclear Blast, 2011, lim. 566, schwarzes Vinyl)
KORN Christmas Song (Epic, 1994, lim. 2000, rotes/transparentes Vinyl)
KRODA Schwarzpfad (Neue Aesthetik/Purity Through Fire/Fimbulvinter Productions, 2014, lim. 400, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KRODA Towards The Firmaments Verge of Life... (Neue Aesthetik/Hammermark Art, 2009, lim. 500, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KRODA Varulven (Purity Through Fire, 2013, lim. 199, schwarzes Vinyl)
KROLOK Flying Above Ancient Ruins (Hexencave Productions/Malignant Voices, 2018, lim. 398, schwarzes Vinyl)
LEGION OF DOOM God is Dead (Darker Than Black, 2017, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
LUROR Cease To Live (Blut & Eisen Productions, 2009, lim. 300, schwarz/weisses Splatter-Vinyl)
MASTER Lets Start A War (Animate Records, 2016, lim. 100, graues Vinyl)
MORBID ANGEL Blessed Are The Sick (Earache, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
MORBOSIDAD Profana la Cruz del Nazareno (2008, schwarzes Vinyl)
NAHTRUNAR Existenz (Arcane Angels/Altare Productions, 2017, lim. 250, schwarzes Vinyl)
OCCULT The Enemy Within (Cosmic Key Creations, 2016, lim. 200, orangenes Vinyl)
ODAL wilde Kraft (Christhunt Productions, 2005, lim. 250, Picture-Vinyl)
ODAL Zornes Heimat (Black Devastation Records/Raging Bloodlust Records, 2008, schwarzes Vinyl)
RAZORRAPE Orgy in Guts (Goregeous Productions/Rotten Roll Rex, 2015, lim. 350, schwarzes Vinyl)
SATANIC WARMASTER Nova Ordo Ater (Werewolf Records, 2017, schwarzes Vinyl)
SATANIC WARMASTER We Are The Worms That Crawl On The Broken (A Compendium of Past Crimes) (Werewolf Records, 2017, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
SCHNÄBI GAGGI PISSI GAGGI Tochnit Aleph Punk Series Volume Four (Tochnit Aleph, 2006, schwarzes Vinyl)
SEKHMET Opus Zrůdy (Aphelion Productions, 2010, schwarzes Vinyl)
THE CHARM THE FURY The Sick, Dumb & Happy (Arising Empire/Nuclear Blast, 2017, lim. 500, gelb-lilanes Vinyl)
ULVER Nattens Madrigal Aatte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden (Century Media, 2010, Box-Set [mit 12 LP, CD & T-Shirt], lim. 700, schwarzes Vinyl)
UNCREATIONS DAWN Lightning Hammer Falls (Hammer of Hate, 2005, rotes Vinyl)
VENOM Welcome To Hell (Back On Black, 2016, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
VOID MEDITATION CULT Utter The Tongue of The Dead (Hells Headbangers, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
VOUÏVRE Au Gouffre (La Mesnie Herlequin, 2018, goldenes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ HaglaNaudizEisaz (Altare Productions/Terratur Possessions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ Paralys (Helter Skelter Productions, 2017, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
WULKANAZ Paúrpura Fræovíbôkôs (Altare Productions/Terratur Possessions, 2016, schwarzes Vinyl)
10" Vinyl:
ABIGOR Opus IV (Nihilward Productions, 2011, lim. 666, 2x schwarzes Vinyl)
KORN Shoots and Ladders (The Dust Brothers Remixes) (Epic/Immortal Records, 1994, schwarzes Vinyl)
NARGAROTH Rasluka Part II (No Colours Records, 2002, schwarzes Vinyl)
STUKA PARTY Schmeiser Smasher (Hammerheart Records, 2014, schwarzes Vinyl + CD)
7 Vinyl:
ANGST SKVADRON The Alien (Folter Records, 2010, lim. 500, grünes Vinyl)
ANNIHILATION 666 / BLISS OF FLESH Worshippers of Evil/Die (W.T.C. Productions, 2008, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
BATHTUB SHITTER One Fun (Power It Up, 2001, lim. 900, schwarzes Vinyl)
BERKANA Zuflucht (Hau Ruck!, 2002, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
DÄMONENBLUT Im Schloß des finst'ren Grafen (Blutvergiessen Productions, 2007, lim. 300, grau/transparentes Splatter-Vinyl)
FLESH GRINDER Necrofiles (Black Hole Productions, 2013, lim. 500, rotes Splatter-Vinyl)
HERETIC / CAPITIS DAMNARE Black Metal Overlords/The Cult of Omega (Unholy Black Art, 2008, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
HORNA / LEGION OF DOOM Ilman Arvoa Ja Arkkua/Kinaidos (Zyklon-B Productions, 2006, lim. 300, Picture-Vinyl)
INSANE CLOWN POSSE A Carnival Christmas E.P. (Psychopathic Records, 2016, rotes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER / CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION (Morbid Generation Records, 2016, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
KADAVERFICKER / SEMEN (Splatter Zombie Records/Alternative Record Label/( ), 2016, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
LEGION OF DOOM Chariots of Thunder (2004, schwarzes Vinyl)
LYCANTHROPYS SPELL Sagatal (Sabbath's Fire Records/Thor's Hammer Productions, 2007, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
MESRINE / KADAVERFICKER (Black Scars Records/Omega Warfare Records/Splatter Zombie Records/( ), 2017, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
NAER MATARON I Am the Light of the World (W.T.C. Productions, 2012, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
RUHO / GRAUSAMKEIT Contagions/Kein N-tkommen (Darker Than Black, 2015, lim. 300, schwarzes Vinyl)
SKINLESS / MALEDICTIVE PIGS Salvage/Brainwashing (Cudgel, 2000, lim. 1000, schwarzes Vinyl)
SVARTSYN Tormentor (Black Militia Productions, 1998, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
THE TRUE ENDLESS / GOBLIN SPELL The Forest Like Us/On The Path In The Night (Eclipse of Live Promulgation, 2002, lim. 444, schwarzes Vinyl)
THURISAZ Thurisaz (Sombre Records, 2002, lim. 350, schwarzes Vinyl)
TIBURÓN / ANIMAL CANNIBAL PROCESS (Zyriaxon Rex, 2001, rot-schwarzes Splatter-Vinyl)
TODESWEIHE / GRAVEWÜRM (Darker Than Black, 2013, schwarzes Vinyl)
UMIGLIAZIONE Fist Sucking (The Spew Records, 2003, schwarzes Vinyl)
VERIVALA / THE SHADOW ORDER A Fallen World's Conspiracy (Obscure Abhorrence Productions, 2006, lim. 400, schwarzes Vinyl)
WHITE MEDAL White Medal (Grief Foundation/Legion Blotan, 2008, lim. 400, weisses Vinyl)
WOLFSSANG Verwegene Einsamkeit (Schwarzburg Produktionen, 2015, lim. 400 [Promo], rotes Vinyl)
ZORN / NG Vulkanischer Winter/Einheit 731 (Christhunt Productions, 2015, lim. 500, schwarzes Vinyl)
311 311 (Capricorn Records, 1995)
ACHERONTAS Amenti (Catacomb Chants & Oneiric Visions) (W.T.C. Productions, 2013, Digipack)
ACHERONTAS Hermeticism (Agonia Records, 2008, Digipack, lim. 1000)
ACHERONTAS Vamachara (Agonia Records, 2011, Digipack)
ACHERONTAS / ARDITI / PUISSANCE / SHIBALBA Pylons of The Adversary (W.T.C. Productions, 2014, Digipack)
A FOREST The Spirit of The Forest (To Bleed Northern Spirit) (Wotan's Reign Productions, 2003)
ALCHEMYST Nekromanteion (Necroshrine Records, 2012)
ALL SHALL PERISH Hate . Malice . Revenge (Nuclear Blast, 2005)
ALL SHALL PERISH The Price of Existence (Nuclear Blast, 2006)
AMON AMARTH Fate of Norns (Metal Blade Records, 2004)
AMON AMARTH Once Sent From The Golden Hall (Metal Blade Records, 1998)
AMON AMARTH Versus The World (Metal Blade Records, 2002)
AMON AMARTH With Oden On Our Side (Metal Blade Records, 2006, Slipcase)
AMYSTERY Grim Satanic Blessing (Pestilence Records, 2008)
ANABOTH Nie Czas Pomiotów (Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2010)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial Black Metal Filth (Hammer of Hate, 2009)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Profane Fornication Ejaculation (Hammer of Hate, 2010, enthält als Bonus das Demo Ejaculation of Black Impurity)
ANAL BLASPHEMY Sermons of A Sodomite (Hammer of Hate, 2011, lim. 1000)
ANAL BLASPHEMY / NECROSLUT Split (Hammer of Hate, 2009)
ANGEL OF DAMNATION Carnal Philosophy (Kneel Before The Master's Throne Records, 2011)
ANGUISHED Cold (Hammer of Hate, 2010)
ANTHRAX Spreading The Disease (Island Records/Megaforce Worldwide, Repress)
ARTHEMESIA Deus Iratus (Native North Records, 2000)
ASPHYX Death The Brutal Way (Century Media, 2009, CD+DVD, Slipcase)
ASPHYX Deathhammer (Century Media, 2012, 2xCD, Mediabook)
ASPHYX The Rack (Century Media, 1991)
ASTAROTH Sklavengott (CCP Records, 1997)
ATROCITY Massacre's Classix Shape Edition (Massacre Records, 1999)
BAPTISM Evil Mysteries (Northern Heritage, 2013)
BAPTISM Grim Arts of Melancholy (Northern Heritage, 2008)
BAPTISM Morbid Wings of Sathanas (Northern Heritage, 2005)
BEHEMOTH Satanica (Metal Mind Records, 1999, Digipack)
BEHEMOTH Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) (Peaceville, 2008, Digipack)
BEHERIT Drawing Down The Moon (Candlelight Records USA, 2006)
BEHEXEN My Soul For His Glory (Hammer of Hate, 2008)
BEHEXEN Nightside Emanations (Debemur Morti Productions, 2012, Digipack)
BEHEXEN / SATANIC WARMASTER (Hammer of Hate, 2008, Digipack)
BESATT In Nomine Satanas (Seven Gates of Hell, 2004, lim. 500, Digipack)
BEWITCHED At The Gates of Hell (Osmose Productions, 1999, Digipack)
BEYOND Fatal Power of Death (Necroshrine Records, 2013)
BIOLOGICAL MONSTROSITY / MAGISTRAL FLATULENCES / SPERMSWAMP / FACIAL ABUSE 4-Way Split (Putrid Attitude Rec./Bidule Mandibule Prod./( )., 2009)
BLACK WITCHERY Inferno of Sacred Destruction (Osmose Productions, 2010, CD+DVD)
BLACK WITCHERY Upheaval of Satanic Might (Osmose Productions, 2005)
BLOODBATH Breeding Death (Century Media, 2000)
BLOODBATH Nightmares Made Flesh (Century Media, 2005)
BLOODBATH Resurrection Through Carnage (Century Media, 2002)
BLOODBATH The Wacken Carnage (Peaceville, 2008, CD+DVD, Digibook)
BOLT THROWER For Victory (Earache, 1994)
BOLT THROWER Realm of Chaos (Earache, 1989)
BOLT THROWER Those Once Loyal (Metal Blade Records, 2005)
BUTCHERS HAREM Erotic Stories Written in Blood (Butchers Harem Productions, 2017, lim. 1000)
BURZUM Fallen (Byelobog Productions, 2011)
BURZUM From The Depths of Darkness (Byelobog Productions, 2011, Digipack)
BURZUM Umskiptar (Byelobog Productions, 2012, Digibook)
CANNIBAL Resurrected Instrumentals (Cannibal Productions, 2012, Pro-CDr)
CANNIBAL CORPSE Kill (Metal Blade Records, 2006, CD+DVD, Digipack)
CARCASS Heartwork (Earache, Repress)
CARCASS Symphonies of Sickness (Earache, 2003)
CARNAL GHOUL The Grotesque Vault (Remission Records, 2013)
CARPATHIAN FOREST Strange Old Brew (Peaceville, 2007, Digipack)
CELTIC BLOOD Celtic Blood (Nebelfee Klangwerke, 2006)
CHAOS INVOCATION Black Mirror Hours (W.T.C. Productions, 2013)
CHAOS INVOCATION In Bloodline With The Snake (W.T.C. Productions, 2009)
CHILDREN OF BODOM Hate Crew Deathroll (Spinefarm Records/Universal Music, 2003)
CHILDREN OF BODOM Are You Dead Yet? (Spinefarm Records, 2005)
CLANDESTINE BLAZE New Golgotha Rising (Northern Heritage, 2015)
CLAWFINGER Clawfinger (WEA, 1997)
CLAWFINGER Deaf Dumb Blind (WEA/Telegram Records Stockholm/MVG Records, 1993)
CLAWFINGER Two Sides (The Music Cartel/MVG Records, 2000, Digipack)
CLAWFINGER Use Your Brain (WEA/MVG Records, 1995)
COMPLEX 7 / FACE DOWN HERO / LAY DOWN ROTTEN Constructed Syndrome Process (Promo, Pro-CDr)
CONQUEROR War.Cult.Supremacy (2011, 2xCD)
CORPUS CHRISTII The Torment Continues (Undercover Records, 2005)
CULTES DES GHOULES Häxan (Flagellum Haereticorum/Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2013, lim. 1500)
CULTES DES GHOULES Henbane (Under The Sign of Garazel Productions, 2013, lim. 1500)
DARK FUNERAL Diabolis Interium (No Fashion Records, 2001, lim. 10.000, Digipack)
DARKTHRONE A Blaze in The Northern Sky (Peaceville, 2003, Digipack)
DARKTHRONE Preparing For War (Peaceville/Tyrant Syndicate, 2006, Box-Set [2xCD+1xDVD])
DARKTHRONE Transilvanian Hunger (Peaceville, 2003, Digipack)
DEMONCY Joined in Darkness (Negative Existence, 2007)
DIES ATER Hunger For Life (Obscure Abhorrence Productions, 2012)
DIES ATER Through Weird Woods (Last Episode, 2000)
DISBELIEF Shine (Massacre Records, 2002)
DISBELIEF Spreading The Rage (Massacre Records, 2003)
DISBELIEF Worst Enemy (Massacre Records, 2001)
DISMEMBER Dismember (Regain Records, 2008, Slipcase)
DISPERSION Tag der Toten (Lederfabrik Studio, 2002)
DORNENREICH Bitter ists dem Tod zu dienen (CCP Records, 1999)
DORNENREICH Durch den Traum (Prophecy Productions, 2006, Digipack)
DROWNING THE LIGHT Of Celtic Blood and Satanic Pride (Slava Satan Records, 2007)
DRU Gospels of The Apocalypse (Self-Released Demo-CDr, 2011)
DUNKELGRAFEN Baphomet's Aeon (Neon Knights, 2002)
DYING FETUS Stop at Nothing (Relapse Records, 2003)
EISREGEN Farbenfinsternis (Last Episode, 2001)
EISREGEN Hexenhaus (Massacre Records, 2005, CD+DVD)
EISREGEN Leichenlager (Massacre Records, 2003)
EISREGEN Wundwasser (Massacre Records, 2004)
EISREGEN Zerfall (Massacre Records, 2004, mit dem Demo 96 Das Ende des Weges als Bonus-Material)
EMIL BULLS Angel Delivery Service (Island Records, 2001)
EMINENZ The Blackest Dimension (Last Episode, 2000)
EQUILIBRIUM Turis Fratyr (Black Attakk Records, 2005, Digipack)
EROTIC GORE CUNT / ANUS TUMOR / SPERMSWAMP 3 Heavy Tons of Grind Direct in Your Face (Alarma Records, 2010)
EXCRUCIATION [t]horns (Non Stop Music Records, 2009, Digipack)
FIRESCENT Passengers (2011, schwarze CD)
FIRESCENT Suicidewalk (2009, Pro-CDr)
FREITOD Possessed By The Horns of Terror (BergStolz, 2010, lim. 500)
GHOUL We Came For The Dead!!! & Maniaxe (Tankcrimes, 2012)
GOD DETHRONED The Toxic Touch (Metal Blade Records, 2006, CD+DVD)
GODLESS CRUELTY Hass Propaganda (Nebelfee Klangwerke, 2006, lim. 300)
GRABNEBELFÜRSTEN Schwarz gegen Weiß (Black Attakk, 2005, Digipack)
GRAVE As Rapture Comes (Century Media, 2006)
GRAVELAND Carpathian Wolves (Last Episode/Eternal Devils, 1999)
GRAVELAND In The Glare of Burning Churches (No Colours Records, 1996)
GRAVE MIASMA Exalted Emanation (Sepulchral Voice Records, 2009, Digipack)
GRAVE MIASMA Odori Sepulcrorum (Sepulchral Voice Records, 2013, Digipack)
GUTTURAL ENGORGEMENT The Slow Decay of Infested Flesh (Amputated Vein Records, 2007)
HAND TO HAND A Perfect Way To Say Goodbye (Lifeforce Records, 2005)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Ausgeflippt (Energy Records, 1995)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Black Forest Metal (Metropolis Metal, 2014)
HANZEL UND GRETYL Transmissions From Uranus (Energy Records, 1997)
HEIMDALLS WACHT Der Untergang der alten Welt (Christhunt Productions, 2006)
HEIMDALLS WACHT Ut de graute olle Tied Deel I (Christhunt Productions, 2008)
HELLFUCKED Gods of Negativity (W.T.C. Productions, 2003)
HELL MILITIA Last Station On The Road To Death (Debemur Morti Productions, 2010, Digibook)
HROSSHARSGRANI ...of Battles, Ravens and Fire (CCP Records, 2000)
HYPOCRISY Osculum Obscenum (Nuclear Blast, 1996, Digipack)
IMMORTAL Blizzard Beasts (Osmose Productions, 1997)
IMMORTAL Sons of Northern Darkness (Nuclear Blast, 2002)
INQUISITION Into The Infernal Regions of The Ancient Cult (Hells Headbangers, 2010)
INQUISITION Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer (No Colours Records, 2004)
INQUISITION Obscure Verses For The Multiverse (Season of Mist, 2013)
INQUISITION Ominous Doctrines of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm (Hells Headbangers, 2011)
JOHN CARPENTER / ALAN HOWARTH Halloween II (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Varèse Sarabande, 1990)
JUDAS ISCARIOT Heaven in Flames (Red Stream, Repress)
KETZER Satans Boundaries Unchained (Kneel Before The Masters Throne Records, 2010)
KONKHRA Come Down Cold (Diehard Music Wordwide, 1999)
KRODA Ginnungagap Ginnungagaldr Ginnungakaos (Purity Through Fire/Fimbulvinter Productions, 2015, Digipack)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Malevolent Rapture (Massacre Records, 2006, CD+DVD)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Slaughtering (Massacre Records, 2010, CD+2xDVD, Digibook)
LEGION OF THE DAMNED Sons of The Jackal (Massacre Records, 2007, CD+DVD)
LEMMING PROJECT Extinction (Noise International, 1991)
LEMMING PROJECT Hate and Despise (Century Media, 1992)
LIFELOVER Konkurs (Avantgarde Music, 2008)
LIVIDITY To Desecrate and Defile (War Anthem Records, 2009, CD+DVD, Digipack)
MALEDICTIVE PIGS Bloodshed (Cudgel, 2001)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Doomsday X (Massacre Records, 2007, Digipack)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Eternal (Pavement Music/Bullet Proof Records, 1995)
MALEVOLENT CREATION The Ten Commandments (Roadrunner Records, Repress)
MALEVOLENT CREATION Warkult (Nuclear Blast, 2004)
MANOWAR Hell On Wheels (Live) (Universal, 1997, 2xCD)
MASSACRE Tyrants of Death (Iron Pegasus Records, 2006)
MAYHEM De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (Deathlike Silence Productions, Second Press)
MC BUSHPIG Fist Fuck Corpse (Butchers Harem Productions, 2018, lim. 333, Pro-CDr)
M.D.K. Into The Pussymorgue (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2012)
MERCILESS The Awakening (Osmose Productions, 1999)
MIDNIGHT CALLINGS Pilgrims of The Black Hole (Into Dungeons Records, 2016)
MORBID ANGEL Altars of Madness (Earache, 2006, Hybrid/DualDisc [CD+DVD])
MORBID ANGEL Blessed Are The Sick (Earache, 2002)
MORBID SAVOURING Insensitivicious (Murder The World, 2003)
MORBOSIDAD Profana la Cruz del Nazareno (2008)
MORTICIAN Zombie Apocalypse (Relapse Records, 1998)
MORTIFIER Darkness My Eternal Bride (Battlegod Productions, 1996)
MORTIIS Crypt of The Wizard (Sum Records)
MÜTIILATION Remains of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul (Dark Adversary Productions, 2010)
MÜTIILATION Sorrow Galaxies (End All Life Productions, 2007)
NARGAROTH Black Metal ist Krieg: A Dedication Monument (No Colours Records, 2001)
NATRACH Devolution Manifest (Christhunt Productions, 2010)
NECROSPHERE Viral Resurrection (Self Released, 2013)
NEWAGE Searching For A Sign (Self-Released, 2009)
NUCLEAR ASSAULT Handle With Care (Century Media Records, 2011)
ODAL Sturmes Brut (Darkland Records, 2009)
OF THE WAND & THE MOON :Emptiness:Emptiness:Emptiness: (Euphonious Records, 2010, Digipack)
OLD Down With The Nails (Peaceville/Tyrant Syndicate, 2006)
OUROBOROS Invoking The Past (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2013, Digipack)
OUROBOROS Spear of Destiny (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2010)
PARIA Unchain The Unclean (Kneel Before The Masters Throne Records, 2010)
PROCLAMATION Advent of The Black Omen (Ross Bay Cult, 2006)
PROCLAMATION Execration of Cruel Bestiality (Ross Bay Cult, 2009)
PROCLAMATION Messiah of Darkness and Impurity (Ross Bay Cult, 2008)
PSEUDOGOD Deathwomb Catechesis (KVLT, 2012, lim. 1000)
RAVENSBLOOD From The Tumulus Depths (Christhunt Productions, 2004)
RUNENBLUT Die Stimme des Blutes (Christhunt Productions, 2005)
RUNNING WILD The First Years of Piracy (Noise International, 1991)
SARGEIST Satanic Black Devotion (Moribund Records, 2003)
SARKRISTA The Acheronian Worship (Misanthropic Art, 2013)
SARX Nail Through Head (Self-Released, 2004)
SARX of Natural Rage (Self-Released Demo-CDr, 2000)
SATANIC WARMASTER of The Night (No Colours Records, 2004)
SATANIC WARMASTER Revelation (No Colours Records, 2007)
SATYRICON Now, Diabolical (Roadrunner Records/Kaleidoscope, 2006)
SCHAMMASCH Sic Lvceat Lvx (Black Tower Productions, 2010)
SEELENFROST ☽(Talheim Records, 2014, lim. 500, Digipack)
SEIRIM Kill. War. Chaos (Cudgel, 2002)
SELBSTENTLEIBUNG Emotionale Endstation (Christhunt Productions, 2009)
SHADOWS UNDER ARMS From The Abyss... To The Throne (Astral Nightmare Productions, 2014)
SIX FEET UNDER Alive and Dead (Metal Blade Records, 1996)
SIX FEET UNDER Maximum Violence (Metal Blade Records, 1999)
SIX FEET UNDER True Carnage (Metal Blade Records, Repress)
SIX FEET UNDER Warpath (Metal Blade Records, 1997)
SKYFIRE Haunted By Shadows (Hammerheart Records, 2003)
SODOM Epitome of Torture (Steamhammer/SPV GmbH, 2013, Digipack)
SPERMSWAMP Extreme Cream (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2007)
SPERMSWAMP If Abortion is A Murder, Masturbation is A Genocide (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2017)
SPERMSWAMP Scrap Par La Porn (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2016)
SPIN DOCTORS Pocket Full of Kryptonite (Epic, Repress)
SURTURS LOHE Vor Walvaters Thron (Christhunt Productions, 2002)
SVARTNAR Failure of Mankind (Eternity Records, 2005)
TAGHUT Ejaculate Upon The Holy Qur'an (Primitive Reaction, 2008)
TEMNOZOR Horizons... (Stellar Winter Records, 2004)
THE CALL The Call... (Christhunt Productions, 2003)
THROES This Viper Womb (Aesthetic Death, 2016, lim. 1000, Digipack)
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen (Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions, 2005)
TODESSTOSS Selbstentleibung - Der Annäherung erster Teil (Ahdistuksen Aihio Productions/GoatowaRex , 2007)
TODESSTOSS Spiegel der Urängste / Sehnsucht (Wroth Emitter, 2007)
TODESSTOSS Stelldichein (Omvina, 2006)
TRUST COMPANY The Lonely Position of Neutral (Geffen Records, 2002)
UNLEASHED Midvinterblot (Steamhammer, 2006)
UTOPIE Instinct For Existence (Bizarre Leprous Production, 2010)
VADER Revelations (Metal Blade Records, 2002)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone: Eight Norwegian Bands Paying Tribute (Moonfog Productions, 1998, Digipack)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Dawn of The Antichrist (SFH Records, 2009, mit PERMAFROST, ANNIHILATION 666, SCHWARZER TOD, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS From Dusk Till Dawn: Music From The Motion Picture (Epic Soundtrax/Sony, 1996, mit ZZ TOP, TITO & TARANTULA, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Hörsturz Vol. 2 (Warner Strategic Marketing, 2001, 2xCD, mit DEFTONES, SYSTEM OF A DOWN, INCUBUS, TAPROOT, DISTURBED, etc.)
VARIOUS ARTISTS Jenseits der Rosen: Music From The Motion Picture (Neue Aesthetik/Starfish Music, 1999, mit SOL INVICTUS, COSTES, PURE, etc.)
VOMITORY Primal Massacre (Metal Blade Records, 2004)
WACHT Indigen (Abartigkeit, 2013, lim. 500, Digipack)
WATAIN Casus Luciferi (Drakkar Productions, 2003)
WATAIN Rabid Deaths Curse (Drakkar Productions, 2004)
WOLFSMOND Des Düsterwaldes Reigen (W.T.C. Productions, 2008)
WOLFSWINTER Gestrandet in Nastrand / Der Tag vergeht (Christhunt Productions, 2005)
WRATHPRAYER The Sun of Moloch (The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence ) (Ross Bay Cult, 2013)
ZORN Menschenfeind (Neon Knights, 2003)
ZORN Todesschwadron (Black Attakk Records, 2005)
Zuletzt geändert von Blustie am 10.04.2019, 23:25, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
- Graf von Hirilorn
- Engel
- Beiträge: 42305
- Registriert: 19.09.2006, 13:46
- Wohnort: Hammock
Re: Brutale T-Shirts, Tonträger, Aufnäher und Hefte
Das sollte Vorschrift sein bei allen Anzeigen...Blustie hat geschrieben:ACHTUNG:
Einige Artikel haben offensichtliche oder unterschwellige satanische oder antichristliche Botschaften oder Grafiken.
Nicht dass in einem BM-Forum sonst noch jmd. den Schock seines Lebens kriegt...
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Graf von Hirilorn
- Engel
- Beiträge: 42305
- Registriert: 19.09.2006, 13:46
- Wohnort: Hammock
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Imperial Warcry
- Halbgott
- Beiträge: 11850
- Registriert: 13.10.2009, 21:40
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Imperial Warcry
- Halbgott
- Beiträge: 11850
- Registriert: 13.10.2009, 21:40
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Bernard Gui
- Papst
- Beiträge: 3245
- Registriert: 26.11.2008, 14:20
- Wohnort: Avignon
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Graf von Hirilorn
- Engel
- Beiträge: 42305
- Registriert: 19.09.2006, 13:46
- Wohnort: Hammock
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien
- Imperial Warcry
- Halbgott
- Beiträge: 11850
- Registriert: 13.10.2009, 21:40
- Alois Krählich
- Bischof
- Beiträge: 546
- Registriert: 24.11.2010, 16:16
- Wohnort: Transenvanien